consultation and testimony
We provide consultation and testimony on the reasonable use of force by security personnel and civilians who may become involved in situations (shootings, brandishing, threats with weapons, excessive force, false arrest, false imprisonment), where the reasonableness and legality of their actions are challenged.

Reasonable or Not
Circumstances and Conditions

As an instructor-trainer (Master Instructor) in firearms, and less lethal devices (pepper spray, expandable baton, defensive tactics, handcuffing, and TASER) Mr. Baker possesses a practical and academic understanding of the use of deadly and less-lethal devices by civilians and security personnel. This allows Mr. Baker to analyze the use of force under the circumstances it was utilized and opine from a holistic perspective.
His experience teaching arrest-and-detention and use-of-force allow him to opine on not only proper use of the tool or tactic utilized, but whether the actions were reasonable under the circumstances of the incident.
Mr. Baker has over 30 years of use of force and firearm experience in the private sector including armed security, executive protection, training civilians and security officers. He has attended numerous firearm and use of force related training courses including security firearm training, tactical firearm, close quarters battle, concealed carry, force-on-force training, use-of-force, and legal updates.
Certifications and Training
- Use of Deadly Force Instructor – Massad Ayoob
- Force Science Institute Basics Program – Force Science Institute
- Law of Self Defense Core Program – Andrew Branca
- Shooting Reconstruction Course – Forensic Pieces
Security Firearm Instructor
- NRA Law Enforcement Firearm Instructor: Handgun and Shotgun
- State of Nevada Private Investigators Licensing Board
- State of California Bureau of Security and Investigative Services
- State of Arizona Department of Public Safety
- Defense Tactics International Affiliate Instructor – John Farnum
Master Instructor
- Defensive Tactics
- Pepper Spray Defense
- Handcuffing Tactics
- Defense Baton
- Management of Aggressive Behavior (MOAB)
- AVADE Workplace Violence Prevention
- AVADE Active Shooter
- Firearms
NRA Training Counselor Instructor Training
- Pistol
- Shotgun
- Rifle
- Personal Protection Inside and Outside the Home
- Chief Range Safety Officer
Instructor Certifications
- Monadnock Defensive Tactics System (MDTS) Instructor
- Monadnock Basic and Advanced (MEB) Baton Instructor
- NRA Refuse to Be A Victim Instructor
- Prevention of In-Custody Death Instructor
- Verbal Defense and Influence Instructor (VDI)
Concealed Carry Instructor
- Nevada
- Utah